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By click on the title or the image you can download the .rar file that contains the tutorial in pdf version. You need Winrar and Acrobat Reader (see at bottom page for details).
The latest tutorial are only in pdf format. So the tutorial will be open in a new browser window. If you want save it, you must choose "Save" from the Acrobat Reader menu'.

Build mode

How can I create a beautiful house? Here you can find all answer to this question.


How can I create custom clothes, hair, genetics or something else? Read here if you want become a Sim-Stylist!

Objects Recolor

You want create your own furniture for your lots? Discover the world of Objects Recolor...

Utility & Programs

Some information for customize your game, for use the programs based on Sims 2 and more....

If you want to open the files downloaded in these pages you must install WINRAR (you can download it here) and ACROBAT READER (download now).