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Istruction for download and install: extract the *.rar file to C:/Documenti/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/Downloads folder. Most of the files in this section are .sims2pack, you can identify them by these icons File Sims2pack or File Sims2pack, once you extract them you shoud install by double click.
You can find icon near the download. It mean the compatibility with expansion pack or the expansion requirement. See on faq to understand the icons meaning.

Required EP: TS2 TS2 University TS2 Nightlife TS2 Open for Business TS2 Pets TS2 Seasons TS2 Bon Voyage
Price: Starlight_she (totally furnished): §18,984
Starlight_he (totally furnished): §19,256
Starlight_unfurn (unfurnished): §11,884
Rooms: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, study, corner for cats
Lot Size: 2x2 Floors: 2
Furnished: Full or there is unfurnished version Garage: yes
Credits for included objects: - walls, dining, pillows, kitchen, relaxroom, by Jope-SimplyStyling
- fruity floor and wall by credits komosims (c)
- Asphalt Roof 2 by Frillen @ mts2
- flowers and deco painting, curtain, vase, counter, stove, decoplate, loveseat, sinkby Steffor of Avalon
- Edge Smoother By Ailias White by Ailias @ mts2
- 4ESF Dining10 Column by 4EFS @ 4eversimfantasy
- mesita2 people, console, mirror, lampara by nazariopilar @ mts2
- schraege Decke2 von feeEssen by feeEssen @ mts2
- Metro Window by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- Simple Spiral Stairs - Left turn by Marvine @ mts2
- -Esszimmer Set1-Stuhl (chair) by Bine71 @ binessimsrevue
- "Gaelle" Toilet by Made by Shoukeir @ Sims2Play
- c-studio2-light by http://www.studio2-design.com
- Medium Size Planter by buggybooz @ mts2
- Guest Painting by by Amel @ SimSecrets.biz
- windowframe8 by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- transparent floor by niol @ mts2
- Fallingwaterbuildset by stonetower @ mts2
- Samsung 19" HDTV by ogularama.com
- "Be Selfish" Bath Tub by blake_boy @ mts2
- PlatformBedFull by CTNutmegger @ mts2
- recolour of Platform Bed in dark brown by luslipz73 @ mts2
- ATS Pets - Bed - Perle by By Sandy @ Around the Sims 2
- carpet floor by Michelle0959 @ casadarte
- Sip bathroom3 (b) -rug- by by Jasmine @ simsinparis
- dresser recolor brown by funny2401 @ pimpmysims
- floor wood by From sim-placement::TS2

(only in Starlight_he):
- suitcase by steffor @ avalon
- Beer bottle and glass by annevs @ mts2
- k8-verytikkirugcolour2x3 by Kate @ parsimonious.org
- Phelana - floorrug 2x3 by Phelana @ meshkiste
- Pillow, gardenset, relaxroom by Jope @ SimplyStyling.de
- Sports Ball by HChangeri @ retailsims
Need to download to see as images: - Halfwall with brown border, Perfectly Plank by JLonier: download it here
- Glass recolour of OFB Door (please download, blue glass is uglyyyy!!) by amycapdet: download it here
- Shrub by stylistsims : download it here (it's the outdoor set, the 4th pic)
- Metro Window Master by Tiggy027 @ mts2
- Simple Spiral Stairs - animation Marvine @ mts2

Furnished version
- White recolour of maxis fridge by MissPiggi : download it here (it's the cheapest maxis one)
- Bedding by MissPiggi : download here (the second bedding from the top of page)

Female contains Steffor pink decor, curtain, sip rug, steffor vase, steffor flower, ATS cushion for cat, and it is pink-coloured.
Male Version doesn't contain items I listed above, but has soccerball by retailsims, jope vase, steffor suitcase, phelana rug and annevs heineken beer!

Female is pink-furnished while Male is green-furnished.
starlight starlight
starlight starlight
starlight starlight

If you want to open the files downloaded in these pages you must install WINRAR (you can download it here) and ACROBAT READER (download now).