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September 2008: Bluesky joins the staff of Sims2Cri!! He had been creating clothing and celebrities for a long time, and used to have his own website together with other people. They eventually closed the site, and he asked to join our team..I knew about him from the forum, and together with the other members of the staff, looking at his works, we realized we couldn't let him go!

Bluesky Name: Gaspare aka Bluesky
Age: 18
Live in : Naples
In his life : I'm studying in a technical college..I love spending as much time as possible with my friends and my family, the most important things in my life :D Plus, I'm starting to move my first steps in the show business xD
In Sim-Life : I do everything :P It depends on the mood I'm in.
He creates: Celebrities, clothes and sometimes some accessories!

If you want contact him, mailto (don't forget to remove #) bluesky#@sims2cri.com

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