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November 2007: Paperpin joins the staff of Sims2Cri!! At first I needed some help for releasing articles for the various EPs, then we started to collaborate side by side, and she started to write and translate game guides and tutorials. She's been involved in the team's general madness, and together with me has created and cures SCMag, our themed magazine. Moreover, we're trying to teach her to create contents..it's like she's becoming a robot!

Paperpin Name: Paperpin
Age: 22
Live in : Pescara
In her life : Officially I'm studying as a translator, and in my spare time I dedicate to my hobbies, among which there is The Sims 2. Unofficially I think I cannot live without a hairband and a cup of coffee. I love gasoline's smell.
In Sim-Life : I fight against the eternal youth of my Sims, and I try to make the adult stage as realistic as possible. I HATE when elder female Sims scream because they cannot reach something.
She creates: guides and tutorials..and I'm trying to fight against my demons and learn to create clothing :P

If you want contact her, mailto (don't forget to remove #) paperpin#@sims2cri.com

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